Tuesday, February 26, 2013

With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear

There's things that you wish you can have control of so everyone can be happy. I think everyone probably feels this way, y'know besides Socs because I'm pretty sure they have a stick up their ass 99% of the time. But, at least I feel this way. Whenever someone in the gang is down I feel like it's my job to make them laugh or at least crack a smile. There's something about making people's days better that are better than beer, sex, or even money. At the end of the day when the bottles are empty and when the value of a dollar doesn't matter, all I have is the gang. We're stronger than any family, because we pick each other up when we're down, and we've been through it all. No matter what obstacles we may face, we have each other and that's all that matters. Except beer. Beer always matters.

It was another Saturday morning, and in translation. Sleeping off another hangover. Recovering from a typical wild Friday night out with the boys including Kitty. For awhile Blair and Audrey would be concerned that I'd drink myself to death or somethin' but they soon realized it makes me who I am. When Blair was just eleven she would be concerned about me. I would spend night after night not bothering for sobriety. At the time it was so far fetched, but when her tiny hand wrapped around mind begging for me to cool it down, I listened. If it was anyone else like Steve or Dally, I wouldn't care. I couldn't give less of a fuck if it were anyone but that little girl. It's not like I don't go near the stuff like Soda, but I laid off for awhile and sooner rather than later I was pulled back into my old habits.

"HEY!" An over excited Audrey screeched from the kitchen.

Letting out a throaty groan that pulled me out of my blissful sleep I was awake. Unfortunately, I was awake. The most cruelest of punishments one can endure while dealing with a pounding hangover. The most brutal of hangovers I've ever had, because Dally thought he could beat me at beer pong. (I won). The comfort of the mattress only added to the reasons of why I did not want to get up. There are plenty of things to dream about like food, sex, blondes, girls, y'know all of the things that complete me.

Then the door swung open. Fuck, react quick. All I was able to do in that state of panic was to roll over on to my uneasy feeling stomach bracing myself for whoever was barging into my room.

"Two-Bit." Her voice was sweet. I could recognize that almost anywhere.

"I'm sleeping." I mumbled, burying my face into my pillow.

"No you're noooooot." Her voice was sing song like and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

Her body climbed inside my bed ruffling my hair. I flipped onto my stomach and stared her down. "You suck."

"I know."

"So, are you planning on sleeping off your hangover?"

"I was planning on getting drunk again."

"Or you could do something with me."

Her pastel blue eyes locked with mine almost in a pleading way. For the blissful moment I could see the specks of green and the darker shades of blue in her orbs. I don't blame her for not wanting to sit around with Blair and Audrey. When the real life of the party is just upstairs.

Doing my famous "Two-Bit Mathews" eyebrow cock her face lit up. "So, where are you gonna take me?"

"Anywhere and everywhere."

And we were off to a fun filled day of no other than Two-Bit Mathews and the famous Ms. KitKat Curtis. 


  1. Nothing good can come of you and Kit spending the day together :P

  2. Hahaha you won this time, but what about the week before man? :p I kicked your ass

  3. Pure AWESOMENESS comes out of a Two-Bit and Kitty day together Blair thank you very much.
